Monday, December 10

Star Tattoos Meaning

Shooting Star:

Shooting stars tend to be associated with a moment in time that left a lasting impression, whether a short romance, special event, a person, job, anything that may have changed the person's life.

Nautical Star:

Before modern navigation sailors navigated by using the stars- usually the North Star. They often got tattoos of nautical stars in a superstitious sense, hoping that the star would help them get home safely.

The nautical star is often a symbol of protection and guidance. Some see nautical stars as a means to create your own path.

Nautical stars are often referred to as compass stars, which were similar to the nautical star in that sailors used them to help guide their way in the night.


Depending on whether the pentagram points up or down. A downward facings pentagram is thought to mimic a ram's head and is often seen as the sign of the Devil. Otherwise, the pentagram is often seen as a symbol of protection and balance. It's five points are often seen to resemble the four elements and with the fith, top point, representing the Spirit who resides over the other elements.

Hexagram or The Star of David:

Also known as the Shield of David is a strong symbol of Judaism. The six- sided star symbolizes the interation of the Divine with the humans.

When referred to as the Creator's Star, the six points each represent a day of the week and the center corresponds with the Sabbath.


The seven- pointed star symbolizes integration and mystical. It is often seen with the seven planets and seven- fold systems such as the Hindu chakras.


The eight- pointed star symbolizes fullness and regeneration. It is often seen with eight-fold systems such as trigrams, the pagan wheel of the year, and the Ogdoad of ancient Egypt.


The nine- pointed star symbolizes achievement and stability. It can represent stability in terms of change. Often the nine- pointed star is seen with nine- fold systems such as the nine Taoist kanji.