Well over a thousand years ago, the three legendary brothers: Lech, Czech and Ruś, leaders of their Slavic tribes, were wandering in Central Europe looking for a place for permanent settlement. Czech became the founder of the nation and state of the Czechs. Ruś went east and became the founder of the nation and state of the Ruthenians.
Lech went further north. One day, he and his tribe stopped for a rest at the edge of a great forest. Looking around Lech spotted a large white bird, majestically circling overhead.
The bird landed on a nest in a large oak tree. Lech took the presence of the white eagle and its nest to be a good omen. He turned to his Lechitians and said: "Here will be the place of our permanent settlement which we shall call Gniezno (the old Polish word for nest) and the White Eagle shall be our symbol." The declaration was enthusiastically acclaimed and accepted by all the Lechitians.
Eagle tattoo Meaningful Designs of Eagle Tattoos